
Making an Exit: Accepting Your Pink Slip with Class or Brass

QUESTION: Given that being laid off is a potential reality for not just me, but for most of your readers, what are your thoughts about how to leave a job appropriately? Where my current employer is concerned, is there anything I should be prepared to do, or not do, should my personal pink slip arrive?


Job Search Success: A How-to Guide

QUESTION: I’m writing on behalf of my sister who is unbelievably unhappy and stressed out. The problem is not that she hates her job; it’s that she can’t seem to find a better one. She has sent her resume to several businesses and they never call for an interview. She has been job searching for… Read more »


A Part-Time Solution to a Full-Time Problem

QUESTION: I was downsized two months ago, and while initially upset, I came to appreciate the newfound time I had to get to take care of things around the house, exercise everyday and read the paper. I know I need to get back to work after the holidays, but how can I land a new… Read more »


Job Hunting During the Holidays: Ho Ho Ho or Heck, No?

QUESTION: I’m ready to move on from my current job. With the holiday season having begun though, I assume it’s probably about the worst time to look for a new job. Should I wait until everyone gets back in the game in January so that my resume doesn’t get lost in the holiday shuffle?


Heavy Travel Job Opportunity Meets Family of Four: Can it Work?

QUESTION: I’m looking at a new job opportunity that has a pretty hefty travel commitment. I didn’t travel after I had my kids, but now that they’re both in school it should be fine. I love to travel, and I figure the family can even come along sometimes. My husband is on board with the… Read more »